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Welcome to Rooster farm and sanctuarys adoptions page we are here to ensure all animals go to a 5* forever loving home and continue giving them a long and happy life. There is a rehoming fee for all animals 100% of  rehoming fees,donations etc. goes back into the the running of the sanctuary. please contact us if you are interested in rehoming any animals. 
Boe pekin bantam Rooster
Boe pekin bantam Rooster
Dolly american silkie hen
Dolly american silkie hen
Darcey American silkie hen
Darcey American silkie hen
Shadow aracuna Rooster
Shadow aracuna Rooster

Doe koki
Doe koki
Chocolate tort doe maisy
Chocolate tort doe maisy
Doe Charlie
Doe Charlie
Doe millie
Doe millie
Rooster Farm and Sanctuary 
Esablished in 2018
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