- Welcome to Claws & Paws

Animal Rescue 

We are a non profit organisation and are a family run sanctuary based in Doncaster,South Yorkshire we are dedicated to rescue and rehoming all poultry and livestock from commercial egg layers to roosters who wake us up with that beautiful morning song. We are passionate and love every aspsect of what we do. We ensure all animals go to there 5* forever loving home. Here at Rooster farm and sanctuary we have a no cull policy and make sure they are all loved and looked after to a high standard.

OUR AIM is to ensure we can save as many farm animals from unnecessary slaughter

OUR COMMITMENT is to help as many familys who have to rehome there loving pets and the rehome as many animals as we can to suitable 5*forever loving homes, and help rescue as many commercial hens from the commercial egg production sector,and the animals that come to Rooster Farm and Sanctuary 

OUR GOAL is to raise awareness to the public about ex commercial hens and to teach and shows others the beautiful experience of keeping and raising there own chickens 

About us

How we started

My name is Aaron i have always had love for animals and have always wanted my own petting farm we first started by having 6 pekin bantams of a family member which jodie my parther brought home from west sussex, which then esculated to rescuing ex commercial hens.
A friend of ours ran a little rescue centre in Yorkshire and needed our help, thats where Rooster Farm and Sanctuary began helping with over 200 birds including geese,ducks,turkeys,

What we do

We rescue and rehome all poultry, small animals and wildlife. We ensure all animals go to there forever loving homes. We believe every animal deserves to live there life. In most cases ex commercial hens are slaughtered at the age of 72 weeks old as this is when there egg production slows down due to being in artificial light so they can produce more eggs for retail purposes,where they are kept in cramped conditions. Most farmers call these "spent hens" they are sent to slaughter for dog food,meat in pies etc. We have rescued and rehomed over 1000 ex commercial hens,not forgetting those noisy cockerels where the neighbour's complain about there morning song. Where we can help we will. 

Meet the team

We are a family run sanctuary run by Aaron,Jodie,family members and foster familys. If we are full at the sanctuary the animals will go to our foster familys Terry Jordon,Mark Jordon and Lindsay and Dillon Joiner where they will stay until they go to there forever homes. All animals rely on us whether it be food,bedding medications,as we are a non profit organisation we rely on the public to help with dontations,rehoming fees and even rehoming any animal.

Photo Gallery 


we are a non profit organisation and rely on rehoming fees,donations, events we set up and our own savings. All donations goes back into the running of the sanctuary for feed,bedding,housing facilities,medication,day to day running of the sanctuary.

Rooster Farm and Sanctuary 
Esablished in 2018
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